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This document presents an enhanced and condensed version of preceding proposals for identifying systemically important financial institutions in Colombia. Three systemic importance metrics are implemented: (i) money market net exposures network hub centrality; (ii) large-value payment system...
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Evidence suggests that the Colombian interbank funds market is an inhomogeneous and hierarchical network in which a few financial institutions fulfill the role of “super-spreaders” of central bank liquidity among market participants. Results concur with evidence from other interbank markets...
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The most recent episode of market turmoil exposed the limitations resulting from the traditional focus on too-big-to-fail institutions within an increasingly systemic-crisis-prone financial system, and encouraged the appearance of the too-connected-to-fail (TCTF) concept. The TCTF concept...
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Defining whether a financial institution is systemically important (or not) is challenging due to (i) the inevitability of combining complex importance criteria such as institutions´ size, connectedness and substitutability; (ii) the ambiguity of what an appropriate threshold for those criteria...
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Los mercados de títulos soberanos cumplen varias funciones para los mercados decapitales. Son fuente de financiación para el gobierno que los emite, cumplen el rol deactivo libre de riesgo -de crédito- del mercado, al tiempo que sirven como referencia obenchmark para las diferentes...
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Classic financial theory relies on the absolute perfection of capital markets, which results in one of the milestones of theoretical corporate finance: the firm´s value is invariant to the choice of capital structure. As an extension to the aforementioned proposition by Modigliani and Miller...
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Las monedas locales de los países en vías de desarrollo, además de no ser librementeconvertibles a nivel internacional, suelen experimentar niveles de inflación superiores ymás volátiles, al tiempo que tienden a sufrir periodos de fuerte apreciación y depreciación.Estas bien conocidas...
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Abstract Whilst emphasis has been given to short-term dependence of financial returns, long-term dependence remains overlooked. Despite financial literature provides evidence of long-term´s memory existence, serial-independence assumption prevails. This document´s long-term dependence...
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Network analysis has been applied to identify systemically important financial institutions after the 2008 financial crisis. Such applications have stressed the importance of centrality within the too-connected-to-fail concept. Yet, despite their well-known importance for financial stability,...
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Este documento expone cómo se conforma y articula el mercado OTC de valores en el caso colombiano. Así mismo, en el marco del mercado de deuda pública local, con base en el análisis de redes complejas, este documento describe, caracteriza y compara al mercado OTC con los organizados (SEN y...
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