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The informal sector is an extensive phenomenon in developing countries. While some of its implications have drawn considerable attention in the literature, one relatively unexplored aspect has to do with the saving patterns of workers and firms and how these might influence aggregate savings and...
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Uno de los principales motivos para acumular reservas internacionales es cubrir los egresos de la balanza de pagos ante una potencial escasez de divisas. Centrándose en el cubrimiento de los egresos por importaciones, se determina la composición cambiaria que mejor preserva el poder...
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The role of the exchange rate and the exchange rate regime in the monetary policy decision-making process in Colombia is described. The rationale for the intervention of the Central Bank in the FX market is explained and the experience in this regard is reviewed. Special attention is given to...
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En este artículo estudiamos la estimación de un nivel de equilibrio de la cuenta corriente de la balanza de pagos de Colombia y sus posibles implicaciones para el desalineamiento de la tasa de cambio real. Se siguen dos metodologías alternativas para la estimación. Primero, se realiza una...
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Capital controls and intervention in the foreign exchange market are two controversial policy options that many countries have adopted in the past in order to influence the exchange rate and moderate capital flows. Colombia has a long record in the use of these policies with mixed results and...
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El efecto Balassa-Samuelson (B-S) establece que aumentos en la productividad de los sectores transables deberían llevar a un incremento del nivel de precios de los no transables y, por tanto, a una apreciación real de la tasa de cambio. En este trabajo se evalúa la ocurrencia del efecto B-S...
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La crisis financiera internacional entre 2007 y 2009 causó grandes y a la vez bruscos movimientos de capitales entre economías avanzadas y emergentes, que fueron acompañados por cambios de similares características en los precios de los activos de éstas últimas, lo que se convirtió en un...
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In this document we use the Expectations Survey conducted monthly by the Central Bank of Colombia during the period of October 2003 - August 2012. We find that exchange rate revaluations were generally followed by expectations of further revaluation in the short run (1 month), but by...
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To date, there is still great controversy as to which exchange rate model should be used or which monetary channel should be considered, when measuring the effects of monetary policy. Since most of the literature relies on structural models to address identification problems, the validity of...
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Banco de la República's FX intervention policy is described, with a focus on its objectives and main features. Then, based on a survey of the effectiveness of sterilized intervention in Colombia, it is argued that this tool is not useful to cope with the challenges posed by medium term external...
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