Showing 1 - 10 of 14
In the European Economic Area the home country supervises the activities of its banks, wherever they are operating via branches or across borders, while the host country handles the stability of its financial system and problems stemming from failure or distress.We address two main problems...
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The aim of the present analysis is to shed light on the question whether Central Banks should publish their macroeconomic forecasts, and what could possibly be gained in monetary policy if they did so.We show that disclosing the Central Bank's assessment of the prevailing inflationary pressures...
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This paper provides an exposition of the nature, means of estimation and uses of Financial Conditions Indexes (FCIs) and their relationship to the more common Monetary Conditions Indexes (MCIs) that are used by market analysts, international organisations and central banks.Using panel datasets...
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We use the ten years of experience in inflation-targeting in New Zealand since 1989 to test whether monetary policy appears to conform to the simple rules that have been recommended for it in the literature.Of the inflation targeting central banks, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has both the...
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Using quarterly data for the period since 1987 this paper explores, in the context of a small model of the EU economy, the degree to which monetary policy has been asymmetric.It shows in particular that monetary policy has been much more responsive to threats that inflation would lie outside the...
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Viimeisen vuosikymmenen pankkikriisit ovat herättäneet huolestumista monissa teollisuusmaissa.Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan Uudessa-Seelannissa vuonna 1996 käyttöön otetun, julkistamisperiaatteeseen nojautuvan pankkivalvontajärjestelmän etuja.Vaikka Uudella-Seelannilla on monia...
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This paper argues that, despite the substantial independence offered by the Maastricht Treaty, the ESCB will wish to bind itself by a set of voluntary rules in the conduct of monetary policy.This binding will occur because of the demands of policy itself.The ESCB as such has no history of a...
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This paper explains how banking supervision within the EU, and in Finland in particular, can be improved by the implementation of greater market discipline and related changes.Although existing EU law, institutions, market structures and practices of corporate governance restrict the scope for...
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Using information from a variety of sources, including our own estimates from quarterly data for each of the countries over the period 1972-1997, this paper suggests that the exchange rate will play an important role in the transmission of the impact of monetary policy through to the real...
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Unemployment is now the key issue for economic policy in the OECD and Europe in particular.By examining data from the period 1962- 1996 for two highly different small open OECD economies, Finland and New Zealand, in a VE? model this paper seeks to cast light on three questions: the degree to...
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