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This paper gives a short overview of how inflation expectations are measured in Finland and considers the possibilities of using such data to predict actual inflation. In Finland, there are three regularly published surveys, which include questions on ex post perceptions and/or ex ante...
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between import prices and exchange rates in Finland.The concept of pass-through is associated with how prices of internationally traded goods are affected by changes in exchange rates. Pass-through is said to be complete when the exporter...
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In this paper a simple and transparent macroeconomic model is developed for the evaluation of alternative macroeconomic scenarios.With the help of the model it is evaluated how fast economic growth and what kind of structure of demand and supply is needed in order to reduce unemployment to 200...
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It is well known that estimation of the labour supply function is complicated by the non-linearity of the individual s budget constraint.Non-linearity may be caused by a number of factors such as the structure of the tax/benefit scheme or overtime rates. Non-linearities also cause problems in...
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Tässä selvityksessä on kuvattu ja arVloltu tärkeimmät Euroopan.yhdentymistä käsittelevät periaatteelliset ja empiiriset tutkimukset. Selvityksen alussa on esitelty tutkimusten taustalla olevat teoriakehikot ja ne positiiviset tai negatiiviset vaikutukset, jotka kaupan esteiden purkaminen...
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The impact of asymmetries in trade and industrial policies on the market structure and location of firms and on the pattern of commodity trade are examined using a model in which firms have to take the decisions of other firms into account because of imperfect competition. This approach allows...
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February 1993 the Bank of Finland announced an inflation target the aim of which is to stabilize the inflation rate, as measured by the indicator of underlying inflation (IUI), permanently at the two per cent level by 1995.The IUI is the consumer price index (CPI) from which the effects of...
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Ostovoimapariteettiteorian mukaan maittaiset hintatasot ja inflaatiovauhdit pyrkivät pitkällä aikavälillä yhtäläistymään. Eurooppalaisten markkinoiden yhdentyminen, vapaakaupan laajeneminen ja pääomaliikkeiden vapautuminen ovat entisestään lisänneet paineita hintojen yhdentymiseen....
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In this paper, we use a fairly simple monetary macro model to calculate the quarterly measures of exchange market pressure and the degree of the Bank of Finland's intervention during the time the markka was floated.Exchange market pressure measures the size of the exchange rate change that would...
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