Showing 1 - 10 of 63
Dans ce papier, nous comparons quatre indicateurs de l'inflation sous-jacente: l'approche par exclusion de postes, les estimateurs "a influence limitee" comme l'inflation mediane, les mesures issues d'un VAR structurel et une mesure tiree d'un modele a composantes inobservables. Ces indicateurs...
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Nous developpons dans ce papier un modele de prevision des taux longs fonde sur les hypotheses d'absence d'opportunite d'arbitrage et de rationalite des agents. Le taux long est represente comme une moyenne des taux courts anticipes. Ceux-ci sont modelises a partir de trois formulations: deux...
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Estimating a forward-looking monetary policy rule by the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) has become a popular approach since the influential paper by Clarida, Gali, and Gertler (1998). However, an abundant econometric literature underlines the unappealing small-samples properties of GMM...
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In this paper, we estimate two small, forward-looking, macroeconomic models for the US and Germany and we compare the implied optimal monetary policy rules.
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Les auteurs etudient dans ce papier le lien entre pente des taux et croissance en Allemagne, aux Etats-Unis et en France. Cette relation est analysee selon deux approches. La premiere, communement mise en oeuvre, consiste a regresser le taux de croissance du PIB pour differents horizons sur le...
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The entropy principle yields, for a given set moments, a density that involves the smallest amount of prior information. We first show how entropy densities may be constructed in a numerically efficient way as the minimization of a potential. Next, for the case where the first four moments are...
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Gram-Charlier expansion have become popular in Finance as a generalization over the normality assumption. Even though Gram-Charlier expansions allow for a certain flexibility over skewness and kurtosis they have the unfortunate drawback of sometimes yielding negative densities. The goal of this...
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Recent portfolio choice asset pricing and option valuation models highlight the importance of skewness and kurtosis. Since skewness and kurtosis are related to extreme variations they are also important for Value-at-Risk measurements. Our framework builds on a GARCH model with a condi-tional...
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We develop a new methodology that measures conditional dependency. We achieve this by using copula functions that link marginal distributions, here chosen to obey a GARCH-type model with time-varying skewness and kurtosis. We apply this model to daily returns of stock-market indices. We find...
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In order to analyse the interest rate transmission mechanism, we study daily Euro-rates term structure for the US, Germany, and the UK between 1983 and 1997. We estimate multivariate VECM-GARCH models, which takes into account most of the usual feaures of financial data (non-stationarity,...
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