Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Empirical studies show that female workers are under-represented in highest hierarchical positions of companies, which is known as the glass-ceiling effect. In this study we investigate the relationship between social networks and the glass-ceiling effect. Specifically, we develop an equilibrium...
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With ideological parties being better informed about the state of the world than voters, the true motivation of policy proposals is hard to judge for the electorate. However, if reform proposals have to be agreed upon by coalition parties, it may become possible for the government to signal to...
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In this paper, we employ the agent-based macroeconomic Eurace@Unibi Model to study the economic implications of different degrees of de-centralization in the wage setting. Starting from a baseline scenario, corresponding to a high degree of unionization, in which wages are fully centralized and...
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In the aftermath of the financial crisis, with periphery countries in the European Union even more falling behind the core countries economically, there have been quests for various kind of fiscal policies in order to revert divergence. How these policies would unfold and perform comparatively...
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Agent-based simulation models are a relatively new addition to the tool-box of macroeconomists. In this chapter we introduce the Eurace@Unibi model and the research that has been done within this framework. We show how an agent-based model can be used to identify economic mechanisms and how it...
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Regions within the European Union differ substantially not only with respect to per capita GDP, but also with respect to income inequality within the regions. This paper studies the effects of different types of technology-oriented cohesion policies, aiming at the reduction of regional...
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The advent of artificial intelligence is changing the task allocation of workers and machines in firms' production processes with potentially wide ranging effects on workers and firms. We develop an agent-based simulation framework to investigate the consequences of different types of automation...
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This document provides a description of the modeling assumptions and economic features of the Eurace@Unibi model. Furthermore, the document shows typical patterns of the output generated by this model and compares it to empirically observable stylized facts. The Eurace@Unibi model provides a...
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This paper studies the effectiveness of different types of cohesion policies with respect to convergence of regions. A two-region agentbased macroeconomic model is used to analyze short-, medium- and long-term effects of policies improving human capital and fostering adoption of technologies in...
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We estimate a linear and a piecewise linear Phillips curve model with regional labor market data for West German and Neue Länder. Employing regional observations allows us to country difference the data. This eliminates, under the assumption of homogeneous Länder, supply shocks and changes in...
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