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See also comment 'Investment and growth in the time of climate change' Climate scientists mostly agree that, if current trends continue, global greenhouse-gas emissions are very likely to result in dangerous interference by mankind in the earthâ??s climate. Against this background, the world...
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Even though the roots of the global financial crisis lay in risky financial structures in the United States and weaknesses in financial regulation, the crisis became global mainly because of significant financial and trade linkages between the US and other countries. Most countries, including...
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The new EU leadership â?? the president of the European Commission and his team of commissioners, and the presidents of the European Council and of the European Parliament â?? will have to address pressing challenges. Go to to read all the Memos, download the individual Memos...
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Shifts in global economic dominance are by nature tectonic and never precipitated by single events. The Great Recession of 2008â??09, however, has presented the European Union, its common currency the euro, and the United States with new global challenges. The transatlantic partnership has...
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It is still unclear what a post-Kyoto international regime to tackle climate change will look like. Negotiations on a post-2012 framework are revisiting questions that arose when the Kyoto Protocol was put in place Â? such as how targets can best be shared out, and how the different interests...
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Over the first ten years of its existence, the euro has proved to be more than a powerful symbol of collective identity. It has provided price stability to previously inflation-prone countries; it has offered a shelter against currency crises; and it has by and large been conducive to budgetary...
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The European Union is the worldâ??s largest economic entity, with half a billion people and a gross domestic product slightly larger than the United States. It is the largest exporter, the largest foreign aid donor, the largest source of foreign investment, and a magnet for migrants. But its...
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Has the EU-US relationship become a sideshow or is it still central to the global economy? Conflicting signals have been sent out since the outbreak of the global crisis. The creation of the G20 and its designation as â??the premier forum for international cooperationâ?? suggest that attention...
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These Memos, addressed to the next Commission President and to the new European commissioners, are written by Bruegel Scholars and edited by Senior Research Fellow André Sapir and focus on key economic aspects of EU policy-making. The new Commission will enter office at a challenging time for...
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