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The fact that raising taxes can increase taxed labor supply through income effects is frequently used to justify greater public good provision than indicated by traditional, compensated analyses. We develop a model including multiple public goods and taxes and derive consistent measures of the...
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The high trade costs inferred from gravity are rarely used in thewide class of trade models. Two related problems explain this omis-sion of a key explanatory variable. First, national seller and buyer re-sponses to trade costs depend on their incidence rather than on the fullcost. Second, the...
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Most empirical policy work requires the aggregation of policies. Trade policyaggregation exemplifies the aggregation problem poignantly, with thousands of highlydispersed trade barriers. This paper provides methods of policy aggregation that areconsistent with two common objectives of empirical...
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This paper extends a New Keynesian model to include roles for currency and depositsas competing sources of liquidity services demanded by households. It showsthat, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the Barnett critique applies: While a Divisiaaggregate of monetary services tracks the true...
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This paper demonstrates the extensive scope of an alternative to standardinstrumental variables methods, namely covariate-based methods, for identifying and es-timating effects of interest in general structural systems. As we show, commonly usedeconometric methods, speci…cally parametric,...
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We give two new approaches to testing a conditional form of exogeneity. This conditionensures unconfoundedness and identication of eects of interest in structural systems. Asthese approaches do not rely on the absence of causal eects of treatment under the null,they complement earlier methods of...
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The paper investigates whether the presence and tenure of Private Equity (PE) investmentin European companies improves their performance. Previous studies documentedthe unambiguous merit of a buyout during the 1980s and 1990s for listedfirms in the US and UK markets. This study analyzes such...
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We prove that in a closed economy without distortionary taxation, the welfare of a representativeconsumer is summarized to a …rst order by the current and expected future values of the Solowproductivity residual in level and by the initial endowment of capital. The equivalence holds if...
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This paper studies the e¤ects of international openness and contracting institutions on verticalintegration. It …rst derives a number of predictions regarding the interactions between trade bar-riers, contracting costs, technology intensity, and the extent of vertical integration from a...
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We find that U.S. corporations' demand for liquidity is sensitive to two importantfactors: uncertainty facing the rm and the quality of corporate governance. Fol-lowing prior research, we find that both factors have important influences on firms'cash holdings. Our results also indicate that the...
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