Showing 1 - 10 of 96
The Easterlin paradox suggests that there is no link between a society's economic development and its average level of happiness. We re-assess this paradox analyzing multiple rich datasets spanning many decades. Using recent data on a broader array of countries, we establish a clear positive...
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Economic development in Latin America has trailed most other world regions over the past four decades despite its relatively high initial development and school attainment levels. This puzzle can be resolved by considering the actual learning as expressed in tests of cognitive skills, on which...
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We investigate whether a causal interpretation of the robust association between cognitive skills and economic growth is appropriate and whether cross-country evidence supports a case for the economic benefits of effective school policy. We develop a new common metric that allows tracking...
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In recent decades economists have turned their attention to data that asks people how happy or satisfied they are with their lives. Much of the early research concluded that the role of income in determining well-being was limited, and that only income relative to others was related to...
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Many scholars have argued that once basic needs have been met, higher income is no longer associated with higher in subjective well-being. We assess the validity of this claim in comparisons of both rich and poor countries, and also of rich and poor people within a country. Analyzing multiple...
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Expanded international data from the PIAAC survey of adult skills allow us to analyze potential sources of the cross-country variation of comparably estimated labor-market returns to skills in a more diverse set of 32 countries. Returns to skills are systematically larger in countries that have...
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Micro-based and macro-based approaches have been used to assess the effects of health on economic growth. Micro-based approaches aggregate the return on individual health from Mincerian wage regressions to derive the macroeconomic effects of population health. Macro-based approaches estimate a...
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In seinem einleitenden Beitrag unterstreicht Ludger Wößmann, ifo Institut und LMU, dass Quellen modernen Wachstums in der Wissensgesellschaft vor allem Investitionen in den Wissensbestand der Bevölkerung (Bildung), Generierung und Vermarktung neuen Wissens (Innovation) und Kommunikation von...
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Ludger Wößmann legt in seinem auf die Bildung fokussierten Beitrag dar, dass gerade Basiskompetenzen, wie sie von internationalen Schülervergleichstests in Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften erhoben werden, ein entscheidender Einflussfaktor auf das langfristige Wachstum von Volkswirtschaften...
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We investigate whether a causal interpretation of the robust association between cognitive skills and economic growth is appropriate and whether cross-country evidence supports a case for the economic benefits of effective school policy. We develop a new common metric that allows tracking...
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