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Understanding adjustment processes has become central in economics. Empirical analysis is fraught with the problem that the target is usually unobserved. This paper develops, simulates and applies GMM methods for estimating dynamic adjustment models in a panel data context with partially...
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Labor market studies on the effects of minimum wages are typically confined to the sector or worker group directly affected. We present a two-sector search model in which one sector is more productive than the other one and thus, pays higher wages. In such a framework, setting a minimum wage in...
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The well-known problem of too many instruments in dynamic panel data GMM is dealt with in detail in Roodman (2009, Oxford Bull. Econ. Statist.). The present paper goes one step further by providing a solution to this problem: factorisation of the standard instrument set is shown to be a valid...
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This paper gives a brief survey of forecasting with panel data. Starting with a simple error component regression and surveying best linear unbiased prediction under various assumptions of the disturbance term. This includes various ARMA models as well as spatial autoregressive models. The paper...
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model with search and matching frictions in the labor market. Our results arise for empirically plausible parametrizations …
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In a New Keynesian DSGE model with labor market frictions and liquidity-constrained consumers aggregate unemployment is likely to increase due to a non-persistent government spending shock. Furthermore, the group of asset-holding households reacts very differently from the group of...
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We analyse the implications of intra-firm bargaining for business cycle dynamics in models with large firms and search frictions. Intra-firm bargaining implies a feedback effect from the marginal revenue product to wage setting which leads firms to over-hire in order to reduce workers'...
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We show how on-the-job search and the propagation of shocks to the economy are intricately linked. Rising search by employed workers in a boom amplifies the incentives of firms to post vacancies. In turn, more vacancies induce more on-the-job search. By keeping job creation costs low for firms,...
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