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The often long-lasting process of intrafamily business succession involves contracts for management and ownership transfer that unfold in a complex series of stages. The older and larger a family business, the more heterogeneous the involved family members' interactions and interests can become....
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Financial performance is an important indicator in a company in measuring the level of viability of the company. This study aims to analyze the effect of CEO power (proxied by CEO ownership), and characteristics (CEO educational background and work experience) on firm performance as proxied by...
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Determining what factors influence firm performance constitutes an essential issue in both the management and the family firm research fields. This article, building on the resource-based view perspective, develops a mediation model that involves a unique intervening mechanism, namely,...
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Purpose: This study sought to determine the influence of strategic physical resources on performance of small and medium manufacturing enterprises in Kenya. Anchored on the Resource Based View (RBV) theory the study adopted positivism research philosophy descriptive and causal-effect research...
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Using a large administrative dataset for Germany, this paper compares employment developments in exiting and surviving establishments. For both West and East Germany we find a clear “shadow of death” effect reflecting lingering illness: establishments shrink dramatically already several...
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Using a large administrative dataset and methods of survival analysis, I analyze for the period 1994-2008 whether new establishments’ survival chances differ between East and West Germany and whether they converged over time. I find that new establishments in East Germany had relatively good...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant talent management challenges including (a) hiring freezes and layoffs; (b) salary freezes, canceled bonuses, and pay reductions; (c) how work is done (i.e., teleworking); and (d) increased employee stress and burnout. Also, COVID-19 has made it...
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Purpose: The objective of this publication is to identify ways to increase employee engagement in Bulgarian business organizations and identify how such employee engagement affects employee and company performance. Design/methodology/approach: Our research is based on the evaluation of employee...
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This article seeks to explain and understand how the strength of a human resource management (HRM) system and perceived organizational support (POS) determine employment relationships (ERs) in organizations and the behaviors they generate in terms of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and...
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Purpose: This study sought to establish the effect of strategic resources on performance of small and medium manufacturing enterprises. Specifically, the study sought to identify how financial resources, human resources, physical resources and intellectual capital affect performance of small and...
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