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This paper studies the properties of generalised empirical likelihood (GEL) methods for the estimation of and inference on partially identified parameters in models specified by unconditional moment inequality constraints. The central result is, as in moment equality condition models, a large...
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We develop a practical and novel method for inference on intersection bounds, namely bounds defined by either the infimum or supremum of a parametric or nonparametric function, or equivalently, the value of a linear programming problem with a potentially infinite constraint set. Our approach is...
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Quantile regression is an increasingly important empirical tool in economics and other sciences for analyzing the impact of a set of regressors on the conditional distribution of an outcome. Extremal quantile regression, or quantile regression applied to the tails, is of interest in many...
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We develop a practical and novel method for inference on intersection bounds, namely bounds defined by either the infimum or supremum of a parametric or nonparametric function, or equivalently, the value of a linear programming problem with a potentially infinite constraint set. We show that...
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A breakdown frontier is the boundary between the set of assumptions which lead to a specific conclusion and those which do not. In a potential outcomes model with a binary treatment, we consider two conclusions: First, that ATE is at least a specific value (e.g., nonnegative) and second that the...
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simulations and an empirical application on a job training program evaluation to support the theoretical results and demonstrate …
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We propose a nonparametric inference method for causal effects of continuous treatment variables, under unconfoundedness and in the presence of high-dimensional or nonparametric nuisance parameters. Our simple kernel-based double debiased machine learning (DML) estimators for the average...
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We consider a situation where a distribution is being estimated by the empirical distribution of noisy measurements. The measurements errors are allowed to be heteroskedastic and their variance may depend on the realization of the underlying random variable. We use an asymptotic embedding where...
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The goal of this paper is to develop techniques to simplify semiparametric inference. We do this by deriving a number of numerical equivalence results. These illustrate that in many cases, one can obtain estimates of semiparametric variances using standard formulas derived in the...
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This paper provides tools for partial identification inference and sensistivity analysis in a general class of semiparametric models. The main working assumption is that the finite-dimensional parameter of interest and the possibility infinite-dimensional nuisance parameter are identified...
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