Showing 1 - 10 of 441
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The impact of measurement error in explanatory variables on quantile regression functions is investigated using a small … approximation to investigate the sensitivity of estimates to varying amounts of measurement error. …
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used is the concept of measurement systems in which a vector of observed variables is expressed as a (possibly nonlinear or …
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We establish the consistency and asymptotic normality for a class of estimators that are linear combinations of a set of √n– consistent estimators whose cardinality increases with sample size. A special case of our framework corresponds to the conditional moment restriction and the implied...
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We consider a situation where the distribution of a random variable is being estimated by the empirical distribution of noisy measurements of that variable. This is common practice in, for example, teacher value-added models and other fixed-effect models for panel data. We use an asymptotic...
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We consider a situation where the distribution of a random variable is being estimated by the empirical distribution of noisy measurements of that variable. This is common practice in, for example, teacher value-added models and other fixed-effect models for panel data. We use an asymptotic...
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group rather than the true individual value. In consumer demand this form of measurement error is present because the price … show the importance of such measurement errors for the estimation of demand in a setting with nonseparable unobserved …
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In this paper we introduce a new approach to estimating a differentiated product demand system that allows for error in market shares as measures of choice probabilities. In particular, our approach allows for products with zero sales in the data, which is a frequent phenomenon that arises in...
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The leading strategy for analyzing unstructured data uses two steps. First, latent variables of economic interest are estimated with an upstream information retrieval model. Second, the estimates are treated as "data" in a downstream econometric model. We establish theoretical arguments for why...
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their framework to consider measurement error due to the use of proxy/representative respondents. First, we document a … reduction in the gender gap can be smaller than what the estimates without taking into account the measurement error might … suggest. We conclude that a careful validation study would be necessary to ascertain the magnitude of the spurious measurement …
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