Showing 1 - 10 of 466
. We consider fixed effect estimation of nonlinear panel single-index models with factor structures in the unobservables … this applicability with an empirical example to the estimation of a gravity equation of international trade between …
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. We consider fixed effect estimation of nonlinear panel single-index models with factor structures in the unobservables … this applicability with an empirical example to the estimation of a gravity equation of international trade between …
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We study the incidental parameter problem for the "three-way" Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood ("PPML") estimator recently recommended for identifying the effects of trade policies and in other panel data gravity settings. Despite the number and variety of fixed effects involved, we confirm...
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We study the incidental parameter problem in "three-way" Poisson Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood "PPML" gravity models recently recommended for identifying the effects of trade policies. Despite the number and variety of fixed effects this model entails, we confirm it is consistent for small T and we...
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for selection bias and shrinkage estimation and is to be contrasted with deconvolution. Simulation results confirm the …
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There are many economic parameters that depend on nonparametric first steps. Examples include games, dynamic discrete choice, average exact consumer surplus, and treatment effects. Often estimators of these parameters are asymptotically equivalent to a sample average of an object referred to as...
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This paper develops identification and estimation methods for dynamic structural models when agents' actions are …
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We propose a new simulation-based estimation method, adversarial estimation, for structural models. The estimator is …
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We provide a finite sample inference method for the structural parameters of a semiparametric binary response model under a conditional median restriction originally studied by Manski (1975, 1985). Our inference method is valid for any sample size and irrespective of whether the structural...
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This paper develops identification and estimation methods for dynamic structural models when agents' actions are …
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