Showing 1 - 10 of 33
I study the cyclical behavior of an equilibrium search model with endogenous job creation and destruction, with focus on the model's failure to match the observed cyclical volatility of unemployment. Job creation in the model is influenced by wages in new matches. I summarize microeconometric...
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Die Studie analysiert die theoretischen Auswirkungen von Mindestlöhnen auf Beschäftigung und Lohnspreizung in einem fluktuationsbedingten Szenario. Es wird ein Überblick über neue theoretische Forschungsansätze gegeben und der Einfluss von Mindestlöhnen auf Einkommen und Beschäftigung in...
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This paper analyzes whether startups offer job opportunities to workers potentially facing labor market problems. It compares the hiring patterns of startups and incum-bents in the period 2003 to 2014 using administrative linked employer-employee data for Germany that allow to take the complete...
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We show that worker wellbeing is not only related to the amount of compensation workers receive but also how they receive it. While previous theoretical and empirical work has often been pre-occupied with individual performance-related pay, we here demonstrate a robust positive link between the...
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We perform a comprehensive analysis of the stepping-stone effect of temporary agency employment on unemployed workers. Using the timing-of-events approach, we not only investigate whether agency employment is a bridge into regular em-ployment but also analyze its effect on post-unemployment...
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Central banks need to be concerned about wages since they are a major driver of inflation. Rising wages are needed to signal directions for market adjustments to ensure growth. Wage growth is driven by relative scarcity, labor productivity and expectations about inflation and future growth....
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This article argues in favor of drawing a distinction between the concepts of labour rationing and unemployment, the former referring to the occurrence of excess supply in a given labour market, the latter to job-waiting activity. In a first part, the literature on the possible consequences of...
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We present a dynamic non-linear model for an efficient contracting between a firm facing adjustment costs on labour and a union having preferences which are subject to habit formation. The model’s first order necessary conditions are estimated for the French, the Dutch and the Belgian labour...
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Drawing on newly available panel data, this paper presents an empirical analysis of the wage effects of changing job tasks, assessed for individuals at their workplace. I am therefore able to exploit within-occupation within-individual variation, over time, to study wage returns to cognitive,...
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We investigate whether the Big Five Personality Dimensions contribute to explaining gender and migrant wage gaps by using a linked employer-employee dataset. We expand the scarce literature concerning personality traits and gender wage gaps in Germany and we provide first evidence for the...
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