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depreciation upon job loss-and its interaction with labor market institutions. We have three main results, based on a life … between turbulence and institutions explains most of the reduction in labor force participation among older workers in Europe … over this period, but ultimately explains little of the rise in unemployment. Third, only a small share of the increase in …
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, sector division, unemployment and welfare. …
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Do firms reduce employment when their insiders (established, incumbent employees) claim higher wages? The conventional answer in the theoretical literature is that insider power has no influence on employment, provided that the newly hired employees (entrants) receive their reservation wages....
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I model job-search monitoring in the optimal unemployment insurance framework, in which job-search effort is the worker …'s private information. In the model, monitoring provides costly information upon which the government conditions unemployment …
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We propose and estimate a model of family job search and wealth accumulation with data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). This dataset reveals a very asymmetric labor market for household members who share that their job finding is stimulated by their partners' job...
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