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We develop a theoretical model of long-run investment decisions on capacity in the context of a liberalized electricity … the level of capacity that maximizes social welfare, and compare it to a decentralized outcome. We show that in the … absence of any regulation, private investment decisions on capacity unambiguously lead to a socially sub-optimal outcome, and …
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capacity investments, utilization, and emissions in US electricity markets. Using a two-stage stochastic programming approach …This paper investigates how uncertainties related to natural gas prices and potential climate policies may influence … natural gas prices, highlighting the important role of uncertainty quantification in future research. The paper also …
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current status and future trends of the technology employed, examining at the same time energy production and availability …-land, making wind farms more productive with higher capacity factors. On the other hand, although offshore wind energy is not in …
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a model in which facilities can produce output at a privately known cost up to a previously-determined capacity level …. In such a model, the amount of slack in the firm is shown to be pro-cyclical. Indeed, as capacity constraints become … capacity. …
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pricing or production. OPEC’s (more specifically, Saudi Arabia’s) ideal policy is to keep price moderate to try to assure a … market for their high reserves over the long run. Such an action would require heavy investments in capacity, including in … excess capacity, for times of interruption of supply from other countries as in the 1990s and for times of high demand as in …
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from zero, indicating that prices are possibly too low and that there is a large suppressed demand for natural gas in the …
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Following a Supreme Court decision in 1954, natural gas markets in the U.S. were subject to 35 years of intensive federal regulation. Several studies have measured the deadweight loss from the price ceilings that were imposed during this period. This paper concentrates on an additional component...
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In Brazil, the consensus that natural gas regulation has failed to attract investments, especially from private companies, culminated in a new law for the natural gas sector, passed in March 2009 (Law No. 11,909). The most significant change this new law introduced was the new governmental role...
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The US has undergone a recent boom in the development of onshore wind farm and natural gas energy projects and contentious debates over the construction of these projects are common in communities across the US. A survey of landowners in a region of Northern Pennsylvania (N=1028) undergoing...
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The trends of reserves, production and consumption of oil in Malaysia to meet the ever-increasing demands do not seem … higher prices of exports, the value of exports outweighs the value of imports. If the current reserves are extracted based on …
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