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two sides of the Atlantic – Europe and the United States. The contribution of the study is mainly empirical, trying to … Social Survey (ESS), the American General Social Survey (GSS), and the International Social Survey Program (ISSP). Estimation … indeed more religious than the populations in the receiving countries, both in Europe and in the United States; and (b) while …
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substitutes for native workers, we expect that the impact of immigration will be largest immediately upon the immigrants’ arrival … substitutes for natives because of their lack of local human capital, the initial effect of immigration is small, and the effect …, we do not find any effect of immigration on employment, neither in the short nor in the long run. …
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We study the contribution of health-related behaviors to the health-education gradient by distinguishing between short-run and long-run mediating effects: while in the former only current or lagged behaviors are taken into account, in the latter we consider the entire history of behaviors. We...
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The current study examines individuals who were raised in a certain religion and at some stage of their life left it. Currently, they define their religious affiliation as ‘no religion’. A battery of explanatory variables (country-specific ones, personal attributes and marriage variables)...
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