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This article studies optimal investment in flexible manufacturing capacity as a function of product prices (margins …
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firms make three decisions: capacity investment, production (inventory) quantity, and price. Typically, investments are made … investment decision of the firm and its value. In contrast to production postponement, price postponement makes the investment … and production (inventory) decisions relatively insensitive to uncertainty. This suggests that managers can make optimal …
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competitive stochastic investment game with recourse. The manufacturer and subcontractor decide separately on their capacity … production and sales. We analyze and present outsourcing conditions for three contract types: (1) price-only contractswhere an ex … state-dependent contracts can eliminate all decentralization costs and coordinate capacity investmentdecisions. The …
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We develop a theoretical model of long-run investment decisions on capacity in the context of a liberalized electricity … the level of capacity that maximizes social welfare, and compare it to a decentralized outcome. We show that in the … absence of any regulation, private investment decisions on capacity unambiguously lead to a socially sub-optimal outcome, and …
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prices in general depends on the merchant's inventory availability. This is a consequence of the interplay between the …This paper considers the so-called warehouse problem with both space and injection/withdrawal capacity limits. This is … capacity and space limits of the storage asset and brings to light the nontrivial nature of the interface between trading and …
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In this paper we investigate importance sampling techniques for the simulation of Markovian systems with highly reliable components. The need for simulation arises because the state space of such systems is typically huge, making numerical computation inefficient. Naive simulation is inefficient...
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availability of resources in that setting, are discussed as critical factors for the effective adaptation of organizations and …
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a model in which facilities can produce output at a privately known cost up to a previously-determined capacity level …. In such a model, the amount of slack in the firm is shown to be pro-cyclical. Indeed, as capacity constraints become … capacity. …
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hedge and suggest rules of thumb for strategic placement of safety capacity and inventory in networks: (1) Risk pooling … suggests rebalancing capacity toward inexpensive resources that serve lower-profit variance markets. This highlights the role … suggests rebalancing capacity toward substitutable flexible but away from shared capacity when markets differ in profitability …
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-to-business (B2B) markets. Such options, on both capacity and output, play an important role in integrating long- and short …
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