Showing 1 - 10 of 240
We develop a theoretical model of long-run investment decisions on capacity in the context of a liberalized electricity … the level of capacity that maximizes social welfare, and compare it to a decentralized outcome. We show that in the … absence of any regulation, private investment decisions on capacity unambiguously lead to a socially sub-optimal outcome, and …
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the underlying trends due to growth - is a major source of perturbations arising from the random fluctuations in prices or …
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a model in which facilities can produce output at a privately known cost up to a previously-determined capacity level …. In such a model, the amount of slack in the firm is shown to be pro-cyclical. Indeed, as capacity constraints become … capacity. …
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The main advances regarding the use of the Choquet and Sugeno integrals in multi-criteria decision aid over the last decade are reviewed. They concern mainly a bipolar extension of both the Choquet integral and the Sugeno integral, interesting particular submodels, new learning techniques, a...
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We present an axiomatization of the entropy of capacities defined on set systems which are not necessarily the whole power set, but satisfy a condition of regularity. This entropy encompasses the definition of Marichal and Roubens for the entropy of capacities. Its axiomatization is in the...
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We provide a survey of recent developments about capacities (or fuzzy measures) and ccoperative games in characteristic form, when they are defined on more general structures than the usual power set of the universal set, namely lattices. In a first part, we give various possible interpretations...
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The main advances regarding the use of the Choquet and Sugeno integrals in multi-criteria decision aid over the last decade are reviewed. They concern mainly a bipolar extension of both the Choquet integral and the Sugeno integral, interesting particular submodels, new learning techniques, a...
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In this paper we deal with the set of $k$-additive belieffunctions dominating a given capacity. We follow the … initial capacity is a belief function, we find a subfamily of the set of dominating $k$-additive belief functions from which …
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This paper extends Kreps and Scheinkman's 1983 result, which shows that a production capacity choice stage followed by … price competition yields the same outcome as a Cournot game, to a setting where capacity costs are asymmetric. …
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under weaker conditions, and this even if non-positive prices are considered, or equally that the no-trade interval result …
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