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The New-Keynesian Taylor-Rule model of inflation determination with no role for money is incomplete. As Cochrane (2007a … invoked if inflation misbehaved. Thus we answer the criticisms levelled at the Taylor Rule that it has no credible mechanism …
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We use annual data drawn from 1950-85 to estimate an econometric model of the money multiplier for the United Kingdom. We define the money multiplier as ratio of the money stock broadly defined (M3) and the monetary base (M0), and then decompose the multiplier into the currency ratio, the time...
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This paper gives money a role in providing cheap collateral in a model of banking; this means that, besides the Taylor Rule, monetary policy can affect the risk-premium on bank lending to firms by varying the supply of M0 in open market operations, so that even when the zero bound prevails...
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Differences in regional unemployment in post-communist economies are large and persistent. We show that inherited variation in human-capital endowment across the regions of four such economies explains the bulk of regional unemployment variation there and we explore potential explanations for...
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This Paper documents and analyses gross job flows and their determinants in Ukraine using a unique dataset of more than … connection with other evidence we infer from this that Ukraine is only at the beginning of the restructuring process. The most …
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Ukraine. Whether this divide was caused by purely ethnic differences or by ethnically segregated reform preferences is unknown …
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employees. In the case of Ukraine, we find that public sector employees receive 24-32% less wages than their private sector … and find that the lower bound estimate of the extent of bribery in Ukraine is between 460m and 580m U.S. dollars (0 ….9-1.2% of Ukraine’s GDP in 2003). …
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Soviet Republics of Russia and Ukraine. Exploiting annual manufacturing census data from 1985 to 2000, we find that Soviet … reforming Russia than in ‘gradualist’ Ukraine, as did the estimated effects of privatization and competitive pressures from …
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We study the effects of Central Bank transparency on inflation and the output gap. We thus first identify a small … analytical model, which concludes that transparency affects the variability of inflation and output and not their average levels … explain however, about 50% of the variability in inflation. The relation between transparency and output volatility is less …
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This paper provides a quantitative assessment of the effects of inflation through changes in the value of nominal … redistribution brought about by a moderate inflation episode. Redistribution takes the form of 'ends-against-the-middle': the middle … class gains at the cost of the rich and poor. In addition, inflation favours the young over the old, and hurts foreigners. A …
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