Showing 1 - 10 of 416
We develop and analyse a structural model of efficiency wages founded on reciprocity. Workers are assumed to face an …
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The missing wage rigidity in general equilibrium models of efficiency wages is an artifact of the external wage reference perspective conventionally adopted by the literature. Efficiency wage models based on an internal wage reference perspective are capable of generating strong wage rigidity....
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We develop a reciprocity-based model of wage determination and incorporate it into a modern dynamic general equilibrium … a negligible role in wage setting. These results are broadly consistent with micro-studies on reciprocity in labour … postulating nominal wage contracts. In particular, the reciprocity model is more successful in generating the sharp and …
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In this paper we study the endogenous determination of minimum wage employing a political-economic game-theoretic approach. A major objective of the paper is to clarify the crucial role of the strength of the workers' union and of political culture on the determination of the minimum wage. In...
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This paper presents a simple search and bargaining economy in which firms use concave production. Because a firm and worker negotiate over the worker's marginal productivity, the firm's wage is a function of its labour force. Reacting to this wage function, firms choose an excessively large and...
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Theory predicts that when economies become more integrated through the removal of tariff and other barriers to trade, resulting in an increase in competition in product markets, there should be effects on wage and employment outcomes in labour markets, particularly those in which unions are...
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We argue that inequality and rapid deunionization are related, and that skill-biased technical change has been an important factor in deunionization as well as in the rise in inequality. Skill-biased technical change causes deunionization because it increases the outside option of skilled...
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In this paper we study the relationship between labour market institutions and monetary policy. We use a simple macroeconomic framework to show how optimal monetary policy rules depend on labour institutions (labour adjustment costs, and nominal and real wage rigidity) and social preferences...
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We examine the macroeconomic consequences of industry wage-bargaining and product market reforms. We suggest that general equilibrium effects may be important for the evaluation of industry-specific regulations. In particular, we suggest that the European unemployment problem can be traced back...
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We analyze the impact of product market competition on unemployment and wages, and how this depends on labour market institutions. We use differential changes in regulations across OECD countries over the 1980s and 1990s to identify the effects of competition. We find that increased product...
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