Showing 1 - 10 of 51
We analyse an oligopoly model in which differentiated criminal organizations compete on criminal activities and engage …
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In an oligopoly trade model where firms engage in R&D, international differences in market size allow for the emergence …
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equilibria of merger games with simultaneous and sequential moves. The application of our framework to specific oligopoly models …
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The Paper approaches business cycles in terms of extrinsic uncertainty related, not to dynamic indeterminacy of intertemporal equilibria (in the neighborhood of an attractor) or to multiplicity of steady states (in non-linear models), but to static indeterminacy of free entry oligopolistic...
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The paper analyses the problem of optimal taxation in oligopoly when environmental degradation induced by the industry …
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application is to compare takeover incentives in a differentiated Cournot and Bertrand oligopoly model with linear demand and …
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This paper studies the influence of minimum quality standards in a partial-equilibrium model of vertical product differentiation and trade in which duopolistic firms face quality-dependent costs and compete on quality and price in two segmented markets. Three alternative standard setting...
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We develop a model of search among substitutes for the best combination of commodity variant and price, in which the structure of search costs can be manipulated by the suppliers of these variants, e.g. by joining an existing market or opening a new one. We analyse the subgame perfect equilibria...
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In a model of vertical product differentiation, duopolistic firms face quality-dependent costs and compete on quality and price in two segmented markets. Minimum quality standards, set according to the principle of Mutual Recognition, can be used to increase welfare. The results of the one-shot...
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Leniency programmes (or policies) reduce sanctions against cartel members that self-report to the Antitrust Authority. We focus on their ability to directly deter cartels and analogous criminal organizations by undermining internal trust, increasing individual incentives to ‘cheat’ on...
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