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The Beveridge curve depicts a negative relationship between unemployed workers and job vacancies, a robust finding …. The Beveridge curve depicts the steady state of the model, whereby inflows into unemployment are equal to the outflows …
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and allow for measurement error. The estimated wage dispersion and mismatch for the US is consistent with an unemployment …. This model yields a simple relationship between (i) the unemployment rate, (ii) the value of non-market time, and (iii) the …
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in regional mismatch. This implies that the Beveridge curve is a flawed device for separating the effects of structural …
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most of the key variables, the negative co-variation of unemployment and vacancies, and the behaviour of the worker job …
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This paper presents a theory explaining the labor market matching process through microeconomic incentives. There are heterogeneous variations in the characteristics of workers and jobs, and firms face adjustment costs in responding to these variations. Matches and separations are described...
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-09 financial crisis was one of the most severe in the world. Using both decomposition of the unemployment rate into structural and …In terms of output decline and increase in unemployment, the economic recession in Latvia that started during the 2008 … cyclical components and Mortensen and Pissarides’ search and matching approach, we demonstrate that the changes in unemployment …
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accepted as superior to all others. Instead, an aggregate matching function with hires as a function of vacancies and … unemployment has been successfully estimated for several countries. The Cobb-Douglas restrictions with constant returns to scale …
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We show that equilibrium matching models imply that standard estimates of the matching function elasticities are exposed to an endogeneity bias, which arises from the search behavior of agents on either side of the market. We offer an estimation method which, under certain assumptions, is immune...
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This paper starts from the observation that despite their very high levels of unemployment, major European countries … have devoted few resources to reducing it. This suggests that there is little political concern about high unemployment. I …
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General equilibrium analysis of layoff costs have had mixed messages on the implications for employment. This Paper brings out the economic forces at work and explains the disparate results. Specifically, we show that positive employment effects of layoff costs come through reducing labour...
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