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In this article, we estimate the structure of costs of hiring, terminating, and retiring employees in France using a representative sample of French establishments. The estimates are estimated using a panel data set for two years (1992 and 1996) that matches two sources: the Wage Structure...
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This paper aims at testing the maintained assumption that firms' objective is to maximize the expected net present value (ENPV) of profits. The idea is to examine pricing behaviour of a monopolist facing a dynamic demand where current sales influence future demand. Empirically, I estimate an...
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understood, a sufficient condition for all countries to gain from fragmentation is that the relative world prices of initially-trade … goods don't change. However, trade costs break the strict link between domestic and world prices in my approach and this …The basic gains-from-trade theorem makes a stark comparison between completely free trade and complete autarky. This …
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A number of stylized facts have been documented about the extensive margin of trade - which firms export, and how many … products they send to how many destinations. We argue that the sparse nature of trade data is crucial to understanding these … classifications - e.g., countries and product codes. We propose a statistical model to account for the sparsity of trade data. We …
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This paper empirically evaluates the effects of antidumping measures on the exports of protected firms. While antidumping protection raises the domestic sales of the more “traditional” non-exporting firms on the protected market with about 5%, it negatively affects the firm-level exports of...
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This paper tests whether trade in new goods is partially responsible for the pro-trade effects of the euro and provides … countries at the most disaggregated level of trade data that is publicly available. Using predictions from a heterogeneous …-firms trade model in a multi-country environment to structure our empirical model, we find that the euro had a positive impact on …
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How successful is the theory of the firm in explaining intra-firm trade? To answer this question we exploit a unique …
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macroeconomics of trade adjustment in the context of the classic `transfer problem,' using a model where the set of exportables … interpreting the size of real depreciation associated with trade rebalancing as an index of macroeconomic distress. …
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This paper studies the extensive and intensive margins of firms' global sourcing decisions. We develop a quantifiable multi-country sourcing model in which heterogeneous firms self-select into importing based on their productivity and country-specific variables. The model delivers a simple...
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Firms employ a rich variety of pricing strategies whose implications for aggregate price dynamics often diverge. This situation poses a challenge for macroeconomists interested in bridging micro and macro price stickiness. In responding to this challenge, we note that differences in macro price...
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