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A new methodology is described which tests between various equilibrium theories of unemployment using matching data … identify a matching process using data which is recorded monthly, and also shows how to identify different unemployment … those vacancies come onto the market. In particular, these workers’ experience average durations of unemployment which …
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Many workers believe that personal contacts are crucial for obtaining jobs in high-wage sectors. On the other hand, firms in high-wage sectors report using employee referrals because they help provide screening and monitoring of new employees. This Paper develops a matching model that can...
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In this paper, we present a matching model with adverse selection that explains why flows into and out of unemployment …
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labour market institutions (e.g. unemployment benefits, job security legislation and payroll taxes) have complementary … effects on unemployment; and thus (b) that policies aimed at reforming these institutions are also complementary. These policy …) is unlikely to achieve significant reductions in unemployment. Rather, labour market reform becomes particularly …
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and by the need to reallocate workers across productive activities. The duration of unemployment and jobs and wage … policies on wages and unemployment. …
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This paper surveys the use of search and matching models in macroeconomics. It outlines the standard model, discusses its extensions, presents alternative formulations, considers the empirical evidence, and studies applications to macroeconomic questions such as business cycles, growth, and...
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unemployment, very low volatility of labour market tightness, and for a positively sloped Beveridge curve. These implications are …
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This paper presents a theory explaining the labor market matching process through microeconomic incentives. There are heterogeneous variations in the characteristics of workers and jobs, and firms face adjustment costs in responding to these variations. Matches and separations are described...
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. This model yields a simple relationship between (i) the unemployment rate, (ii) the value of non-market time, and (iii) the … and allow for measurement error. The estimated wage dispersion and mismatch for the US is consistent with an unemployment …
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This paper starts from the observation that despite their very high levels of unemployment, major European countries … have devoted few resources to reducing it. This suggests that there is little political concern about high unemployment. I …
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