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This paper studies the different mechanisms and the dynamics through which demography is channelled to the economy. We analyze the role of demographic changes in the economic development process by studying the transitional and the long-run impact of both the rate of population growth and the...
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In this paper, we study the properties of optimal growth models à la Nelson and Phelps (1966) where the labor resources of an economy can be allocated freely either to production, technology adoption or capital maintenance. We first characterize the balanced growth paths of a benchmark model...
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Presenting a discrete time version of the Romer (1986) model, this paper analyzes optimal paths in a one-sector growth model when the technology is not convex. We prove that for a given quality of knowledge technology, the countries could take-off if their initial stock of capital are above a...
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This paper presents a strategic growth model that analyzes the impact of Endogenous preferences on equilibrium dynamics by employing the tools provided by lattice theory and supermodular games. Supermodular game structure of the model let us provide monotonicity results on the greatest and the...
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This paper extends the standard neoclassical model by considering a technology sector through which an economy with limited human capital attempts to catch up with a given “locomotive” pushing exogenously technical progress. In periods of technological stagnation, economies close enough to...
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Parfit's Repugnant Conclusion stipulates that under total utilitarianism, it might be optimal to choose increasing population size while consumption per capita goes to zero. We evaluate this claim within a canonical AK model with endogenous fertility and a reduced form relationship between...
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This paper studies to which extent a firm using a scarce resource input and facing environmental regulation, can still manage to have a sustainable growth of output and profits. The firm has a vintage capital technology with two complementary factors, capital and a resource input subject to...
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We study the optimal dynamics of an AK economy where population is uniformly distributed along the unit circle. Locations only differ in initial capital endowments. Despite constant returns to capital, we prove that transition dynamics will set in. In particular, we prove that the...
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This paper derives the optimal pace of capital accumulation at the firm level and the corresponding investment dynamics in the presence of an energy-saving technological progress. Energy and capital are complementary. When technical progress is disembodied, the firm invests once at the first...
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This paper analyzes the equilibrium dynamics of an AK-type endogenous growth model with vintage capital. The inclusion of vintage capital leads to oscillatory dynamics governed by replacement echoes, which additionally influence the intercept of the balanced growth path. These features, which...
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