Showing 1 - 10 of 14
We use worldwide satellite data to analyse how population size and density affect urban pollution. We find that density … significantly increases pollution exposure. Looking only at urban areas, we find that population size affects exposure more than … itself. We analyse heterogeneity by geography and income levels. By and large, the influence of population on pollution is …
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We use worldwide satellite data to analyse how population size and density affect urban pollution. We find that density … significantly increases pollution exposure. Looking only at urban areas, we find that population size affects exposure more than … itself. We analyse heterogeneity by geography and income levels. By and large, the influence of population on pol-lution is …
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We develop a model of property taxation and characterize equilibria under three alternative taxation regimes often used in the public finance literature: decentralized taxation, centralized taxation, and “rent seeking” regimes. We show that decentralized taxation results in inefficiently...
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We study the effect of energy and transport policies on pollution in two developing country cities. We use a …. Pollution comes from commuting and residential energy use. The model parameters are calibrated to replicate key variables for … how various transport and energy policies affect equilibrium pollution. Policies may be induce rebound effects from …
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We study the optimal and equilibrium size of cities in a city system model with environmental pollution. Pollution is …, if pollution is local or per capita pollution increases with population, we find that equilibrium cities are too large …. When pollution is global and per capita pollution declines with city size, however, equilibrium cities may be too small …
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The paper studies the effect of public transport policies on urban pollution. It uses a quantitative equilibrium model … with residential choice and mode choice. Pollution comes from commuting and residential energy use. The model parameters … transport coupled with increasing transit speed affects the equilibrium. In the baseline simulation, total pollution falls by 0 …
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We study the political economy of commuting subsidies in a model of a mono-centric city with two income classes. Depending on housing demand and transport costs, either the rich or the poor live in the central city and the other group in the suburbs. Commuting subsidies increase the net income...
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We study a simple model of commuting subsidies with two transport modes. City residents choose where to live and which mode to use. When all land is owned by city residents, one group gains from subsidies what the other loses. With absentee landownership, city residents as a group gain at the...
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This paper analyzes subsidies for intracity and intercity commuting in an urban economics framework with two cities and agglomeration externalities, where workers may commute within and between cities. First, commuting subsidies serve to internalize agglomeration externalities: Intracity...
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This paper shows that subsidy competition may be efficiency enhancing. We model a subsidy game among two asymmetric regions in a new trade model, where capital can freely move among regions, but capital rewards are repatriated. We study subsidy competition, starting from an equilibrium where the...
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