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estimate the taxable income elasticity at a very large kink point of the Swedish tax schedule using the bunching method. During … the period of study the change in the log net-of-tax rate reached a maximum value of 45.6%. Interestingly, we obtain a …
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We estimate the responses of gross labor income with respect to marginal and average net-of-tax rates in France over … the period 2003-2006. We exploit a series of reforms to the income-tax and payroll-tax schedules affecting individuals who … net-of-income-tax rate is around 0.2, while we find no response to the marginal net-of-payroll-tax rate. The elasticity …
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Tax competition is discussed as a source of inefficiency in international taxation and in fiscal federalism. Two … preconditions for the existence of such effects of tax competition are that mobile factors locate or reside in jurisdictions with … – ceteris paribus – lower tax rates and that taxes are actually set strategically in order to attract mobile production factors …
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saving programme rather than as a tax-and-transfer system, thereby raising labour force participation rates but also …
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a systematic manner with the legal rules as defined by labour as well as tax law. We start with a theoretical model that …
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income with respect to the net-of-tax rate, i.e., one minus the marginal tax rate. We offer new evidence on this matter by … making use of a large panel of Swedish tax payers over the period 1991-2002. Changes in statutory tax rates as well as … discretionary changes in tax bracket thresholds provide exogenous variations in tax rates that can be used to identify income …
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This paper proposes a model that can be implemented to estimate the willingness to pay for distributive justice. A formula is derived that allows one to recover the willingness to pay for distributive justice from the estimated coefficients of a probit regression and fiscal data. Using this...
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The German Income Tax Reform 2000, which announced a reduction in income tax rates to be implemented in a series of … Income Tax Reform should be brought forward. The present paper assesses the welfare and macroeconomic consequences of the … German Income Tax Reform in the scope of a simplified DGE model of the Auerbach-Kotlikoff type and deals explicitly with the …
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In this paper we examine financial interactions between tiers of government. Whilst most existing empirical evidence has focused on the US, it is difficult to generalize conclusions obtained to countries where the position and remit of lower tiers of government is evolving or is less clear...
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developing countries. In the case of tax shocks, the evidence suggest that they do not have any effects on private consumption …
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