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The paper presents a model that allows a unified analysis of sickness absence and search unemployment. Sickness appears … affect individual decisions on absence and search and the implications for employment, unemployment and nonparticipation. The …
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The paper presents a tractable general equilibrium model of search unemployment that incorporates absence from work as …
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implied by new unemployment claims: we estimate 20 million lost jobs by April 8th, far more than jobs lost over the entire … rise in the unemployment rate over the corresponding period to be surprisingly small, only about 2 percentage points. Third …
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the regional and skill dimension of mismatch unemployment, we find a substantial increase of mismatch unemployment for …
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, sector division, unemployment and welfare. …
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We build an analytically and computationally tractable stochastic equilibrium model of unemployment in heterogeneous … countercyclical unemployment, and is simultaneously consistent with procyclical reallocation, countercyclical separations and a … negatively-sloped Beveridge curve. Moreover, the model exhibits unemployment duration dependence, which (when calibrated to long …
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unemployment and its duration distribution. Using the SIPP, we document the relation between workers' (gross and net) occupational … mobility and unemployment duration over the long run and business cycle. To interpret this evidence, we develop an analytically … countercyclical net occupational mobility, the large volatility of unemployment and the cyclical properties of the unemployment …
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In recessions, unemployment increases despite the—perhaps counterintuitive—fact that thenumber of unemployed workers … finding jobs expands. On net, unemployment rises only becauseeven more workers lose their jobs. We propose a theory of … unemployment fluctuations resting onthis countercyclicality of gross flows from unemployment into employment. In recessions …
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-employment to analyze the implications of introducing universal unemployment protection for informal workers through transfers …, which are conditional on participation in training programs. We study how changes in unemployment benefits (UB) for … increasing training UB reduces unprotected unemployment and improves labor market outcomes through higher formal salaried …
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Wages are only mildly cyclical, implying that shocks to labour demand have a larger short-run impact on unemployment …
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