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This paper presents a reappraisal of unemployment movements in the European Union. Our analysis is based on the chain … reaction theory of unemployment, which focuses on (a) the interaction among labor market adjustment processes, (b) the … growth drivers. Estimating a system of labor market equations for a panel of EU countries, we derive the dynamic unemployment …
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the share of the outsourced workforce is not too large, this wage-moderation effect on domestic employment outweighs the … direct substitution effect so that domestic employment increases in unionized firms as outsourcing costs fall. This does not … exemption and the unemployment benefit payments affect domestic wage setting in the same way as in the absence of outsourcing …
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This paper analyzes the strikingly different response of unemployment to the Great Recession in France and Spain. Their … labor market institutions are similar and their unemployment rates just before the crisis were both around 8%. Yet, in … France, unemployment rate has increased by 2 percentage points, whereas in Spain it has shot up to 19% by the end of 2009. We …
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We offer a unified framework to analyze the determination of employment, employee effort, wages, profit-sharing and … offset the negative dilution effect in equilibrium. Leverage is shown to decrease employment and to have a strategic … for equilibrium unemployment are characterized. …
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We study the implications of product and labor market imperfections for equilibrium unemployment under both exogenous … equilibrium unemployment. The relationship between the long-run unemployment and the intensity of product market competition is … long-run equilibrium unemployment is an increasing function of product market imperfections when the elasticity exceeds …
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high-wage country with an imperfectly competitive labour market so that outsourcing reduces equilibrium unemployment …
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We evaluate the effects of outsourcing and wage solidarity on wage formation and equilibrium unemployment in a … magnify, and not dampen, this tendency. Further, higher outsourcing will increase equilibrium unemployment among the high … unemployment under the reasonable condition that the proportion of high-skilled workers is sufficiently low. …
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, profit sharing, and equilibrium unemployment depending on whether in other industries profit share is or is not a part of the …. Under flexible profit sharing wage is higher if optimal profit share is small enough. For equilibrium unemployment, we find … that if there is no profit sharing in other industries, outsourcing will decrease the unemployment rate. But if profit …
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We evaluate the effects of international outsourcing and labor taxation on wage formation and equilibrium unemployment … reduce equilibrium unemployment of low-skilled workers both in the presence and absence of labor taxation. In the presence of … outsourcing, wage tax, tax exemption and payroll tax have an ambiguous effect on equilibrium unemployment. Increasing the degree …
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outsourcing cost, profit sharing and equilibrium unemployment, when profit sharing is also a part of the compensation schemes in … wage effect. For equilibrium unemployment the effects of outsourcing cost and profit sharing are ambiguous both in case of … the absence or presence of outsourcing and in this case lower outsourcing cost will decrease unemployment. …
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