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This paper estimates the preference scores of CoCo bond buyers and sellers by running multinomial logistic regressions … taking into account both bond and issuing banks' characteristics; it also provides evidence on the role of country …−specific CoCo bond market concentration. Buyers are defined as having a preference for CoCo bonds if their return−to−risk is higher …
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How does uncertainty affect the costs of raising finance in the bond market and via bank loans? Empirically, this paper … finds that heightened uncertainty is accompanied by an increase in corporate bond yields and a decrease in bank lending … the value of the lending relationship and lowers the lending rate. Bond investors demand compensation for the increased …
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This paper analyses persistence and non-linearities in quarterly and monthly US Treasury 10-year bond yields over the …
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green bond returns and volatilities. On the whole, the evidence suggests weaker linkages, and thus a lower degree of …
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prices and bond yields using fractional integration techniques. The model is estimated first over the period January 1966 … pandemic period. We find that the unit root hypothesis cannot be rejected for stock prices while for bond yields the results … differ depending on the maturity date and the specification of the error term. In general, bond yields appear to be more …
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share of their pension wealth in risky assets. The ability of young agents to compensate their financial losses by saving …
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experienced a relatively large number of deaths. On the basis of this observation and working with European data (from SHARE), we …
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Longevity expectations (LE) are subjective assessments of future health status that can influence a number of individual health protective decisions. This is especially true during a pandemic such as COVID-19, as the risk of ill health depends more than ever on such protective decisions. This...
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implications of these alternative instrument/target combinations reveals the welfare gains from active policy, measured as a share …
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Two non-transitive theories to model decision making under risk are regret theory (Loomes and Sugden, 1982, 1987) and … salience theory (Bordalo, Gennaioli, and Shleifer, 2012). While the psychological underpinning of these two approaches is … different, the models share the assumption that within-state comparisons of outcomes across choice options are a key determinant …
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