Showing 1 - 10 of 202
investment in an international infrastructure capital, the stock of which accumulates over time. Depending on the trade costs and … consideration, the governments carry out a dynamic game of public investment. We show that the dynamic equilibrium of the policy … game may exhibit history dependency; if the initial stock of international infrastructure is smaller (larger) than a …
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The paper analyzes the contribution of public capital to private output using several meta-analytical techniques. Both fixed and random effects models are estimated by Weighted Least Squares. Sample overlap across studies is explicitly controlled for by employing a full' Generalized Least...
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This article traces inequality and numeracy development in the regions of Chile during the 19th and early 20th century …, in its northern regions we find that Chile was relatively equal and numerate during the 19th century, and the south … converged somewhat during this period. In addition, we study the correlates of low-intensity immigration in Chile. Regions with …
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The government's choices of the corporate tax rate and public investment are interdependent. In particular, they both … international tax competition drives the statutory tax rate down from 45% to 30%, public investment is reduced by 0.4% of output at … corporate tax rate and public investment are endogenous. More precisely, a decline of 15% in the corporate tax rate reduces …
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We study the impacts of public investment, notably in construction and in R&D on economic growth and of crowding …-out effects on private investment. For this purpose, we use Panel Vector Autoregression (PVAR) models and the Generalised Method …) innovations in public investment have more positive effects on GDP growth and private investment in emerging economies; ii) the …
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We define a differential game of public investment with a discontinuous Markovian strategy space. The best response …, and joint investment problems …
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faced and their business environment. The business environment includes physical infrastructure, the availability of an …
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This paper quantitatively assesses the macroeconomic effects of the recently agreed U.S. bipartisan infrastructure … types of infrastructure spending and linkages between the final and intermediate goods sectors. We find that infrastructure … multipliers above unity if infrastructure spending and rising public debt are financed by consumption, dividend and labour income …
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might be infrastructure investment. This paper provides a dual profit theoretical framework of measuring the effects of … infrastructure on economic performance in terms of gains in profits, cost savings, as well as in terms of productivity growth … enhancement. In an empirical application, we opt for Mexican industry data. The results show that returns to infrastructure …
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This paper studies the role played by politics in shaping the Italian railway network, and its impact on long-run growth patterns. Examining a large state-planned railway expansion that took place during the second half of the 19th century in a recently unified country, we first study how both...
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