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How costly is the misallocation of production that we might expect to result from distortions such as market power, incomplete contracts, taxes, regulations, or corruption? This paper develops new tools for the study of misallocation that place minimal assumptions on firms’ underlying...
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their productivity and net worth and face collateral constraints that cause capital misallocation. TFP endogenously depends … equilibrium, general-equilibrium effects overturn this result: a monetary expansion increases the investment of high-productivity … firms relatively more than that of low-productivity ones, crowding out the latter and increasing TFP. We provide empirical …
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We study the impact of techies—engineers and other technically trained workers—on firm-level productivity. We first …-neutral productivity in both manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries. We find that techies raise firm-level productivity, and this … of techies on productivity operates mostly through ICT and other techies, not R&D workers. Engineers have a greater …
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Many policymakers view power outages as a major constraint on firm productivity in developing countries. Yet empirical … the long-run general-equilibrium effects of power outages on productivity. Outages lower productivity in the model by …
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This paper considers the problem of identification, estimation and inference in the case of spatial panel data models … errors. A quasi maximum likelihood (QML) estimation procedure is developed and the conditions for identification of spatial …
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productivity in the rest of the economy. To separate exogenous gains in ICT from other technological progress, we use the relative …
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Over the last decades, hours worked per capita have declined substantially in many OECD economies. Using a neoclassical growth model with endogenous work-leisure choice, we assess the role of trend growth slowdown in accounting for the decline in hours worked. In the model, a permanent reduction...
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Commonly used methods of production function estimation assume that a firm’s output quantity can be observed as data … function, total factor productivity, price markups over marginal costs, output prices, output quantities, a demand system, and …
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empirical tests, motivated by a simple theory, demonstrate that low-liquidity firms amplified its transmission …
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Recent trade agreements have shifted their focus to non-tariff barriers such as regulations and product standards, which have been traditionally treated as pure domestic policies. The imposition of such standards reallocates production from small to large, high quality firms. We model...
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