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We analyze how the threat of a potential future regime shift affects optimal management. We use a simple general growth model to analyze four cases that involve combinations of stock collapse versus changes in system dynamics, and exogenous versus endogenous probabilities of regime shift. Prior...
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Sustainability and efficiency are potentially conflicting social objectives in natural resource management. We propose a market mechanism to allocate use rights over a stochastic resource to private managers. The mechanism endogenously determines the maximal tenure length guaranteeing that the...
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This paper examines a dynamic game of exploitation of a common pool of some renewable asset by agents that sell the result of their exploitation on an oligopolistic market. A Markov Perfect Nash Equilibrium of the game is used to analyze the effects of a merger of a subset of the agents. We...
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The purpose of this paper is to model the influence of Kantian moral scruples in a dynamic environment. Our objectives are two-fold. Firstly, we investigate how a Nash equilibrium among agents who have moral scruples may ensure that the exploitation of a common property renewable resource is...
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We incorporate a renewable resource into an overlapping generations model with standard, well-behaved utility and constant returns to scale production functions. Besides being a factor of production the resource serves as a store of value. We characterize dynamics, efficiency and stability of...
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The structural stability of different languages subject to the import of external elements is analyzed. We focus on the temporal side of the different processes interacting to produce a change in the structure of the language. That is, the rate of import and dissipation of new elements is seen...
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itself) to a sizable and statistically significant increase in trade between the member countries of EMU. In this paper, we … put the trade effect of the euro in historical perspective. We argue that the creation of the EMU was a continuation (or … strong evidence of a gradual increase in trade intensity between European countries. Once we control for this trend in trade …
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In this paper we construct a Ricardian model of trade in vertically-differentiated products between a developing …
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We investigate the empirical impact of violence as compared to other trade impediments on trade flows. Our analysis is … of terrorism, as well as internal and external conflict is equivalent to as much as a 30 percent tariff on trade. This is …
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This paper argues that openness to goods trade in combination with an unequal distribution of political power has been … provision of schooling are typically lower in an open than in a closed economy. Moreover, we find that, under openness to trade …, development is faster in a democratic system. We also endogenize the trade regime and demonstrate that, in political equilibrium …
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