Showing 1 - 10 of 349
. However, its relationship with how social groups are formed has received little attention. We design an experiment to analyze …
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We consider a model where agents differ in their ‘types' which determines their voluntary contribution towards a public good. We analyze what the equilibrium composition of groups are under centralized and centralized choice. We show that there exists a top-down sorting equilibrium i.e. an...
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operationalize measurement of group cohesion, adapting the “oneness scale” from psychology. A series of experiments, including a pre …
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Many committees—juries, political task forces, etc.—spend time gathering costly information before reaching a decision. We report results from lab experiments focused on such information-collection processes. We consider decisions governed by individuals and groups and compare how voting...
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We evaluate the impact of a program aiming at improving the workplace climate in corporations. The program is implemented via a clustered randomized design and evaluated with respect to the prevalence of support networks, antisocial behavior, perceived relational atmosphere, and turnover rate....
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, because the economics literature on group decision making has, so far, assumed homogeneity within groups. In a lab experiment …
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Many decisions are interactive; the outcome of one party depends not only on its decisions or on acts of nature but also on the decisions of others. In the present article, we review the literature on decision making made by groups of the past 25 years. Researchers have compared the strategic...
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This paper studies experimentally when and how ideological motives shape group decision-making outcomes. Groups repeatedly decide between a monetarily preferred outcome that generates a high payoff but also an ideologically undesirable externality, or an ideologically preferred outcome that...
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This paper reviews recent research on the aggregation of heterogeneous time preferences. Main results are illustrated in simple Ramsey models with two or three agents who differ in their discount factors. We employ an intertemporal view on these models and argue that preferences of a decision...
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The mathematical framework of psychological game theory is useful for describing many forms of motivation where preferences depend directly on own or others' beliefs. It allows for incorporating, e.g., emotions, reciprocity, image concerns, and self-esteem in economic analysis. We explain how...
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