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I estimate the effects of collaborative and adversarial intergroup contact. I randomly assigned Indian men from different castes to participate in cricket leagues or to serve as a control group. League players faced variation in collaborative contact, through random assignment to...
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Transport has significant externalities including carbon emissions and air pollution. Public health research has identified additional social gains from active travel, due to health benefits of physical exercise. Per mile, these benefits greatly exceed the external costs from car use. We...
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explain sports-related violence in the United States, but can be accommodated by social identity explanations of football …
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opportunities to include girls, revolutionizing mass sports participation in the United States. This paper analyzes high school … athletic participation in the United States and how sports offerings for boys and girls changed subsequent to the passage of … this legislation. Girls' sports participation rose dramatically both following the enactment of Title IX and subsequent to …
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Does social capital always promote solidarity and democracy, or are social networks such as sports clubs also … vulnerable to populism? We exploit quasi-experimental variation in sports club membership in German cities. Sports clubs are … with higher sports club membership rates in the wake of marginally promoted soccer teams. The populist momentum is however …
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expansion in female sports participation by using variation in the level of boys' athletic participation across states before … changes between pre- and post-cohorts reveals that a 10-percentage point rise in state-level female sports participation … participation. Furthermore, greater opportunities to play sports leads to greater female participation in previously male …
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This paper develops a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model to examine the quantitative macroeconomic implications of countercyclical fiscal policy for France, Germany and the UK. The model incorporates real wage rigidity which is the particular market failure justifying policy...
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Exploiting changes in the geography of economic integration in Europe, this paper uses detailed Exploiting changes in the geography of economic integration in Europe, we quantify the economic consequences of Brexit using a quantitative general equilibrium model that captures inter- and...
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In order to get the COVID-19 pandemic under control, most governments around the globe have adopted some sort of containment policies. In the light of the enormous costs of these policies, in many countries highly controversial discussions on the adequacy of the chosen policies evolved. We...
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This paper examines the impact of labour and product market reforms on economic growth in 25 OECD countries between 1985 and 2013, and tests whether this impact is conditioned by the fiscal policy stance, i.e. whether there are fiscal expansions or adjustments. Our local projection results...
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