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We solve the non-linear income tax program for a rank-dependent social welfare function à la Yaari, expressing the trade-off between size and inequality using the Gini or related families of positional indices. The key idea is that when agents optimize and absent bunching, ranks in the actual...
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This study investigates the influence of gender composition on allocation decisions involving a rank–inequality tradeoff. In a laboratory experiment, participants chose to either alleviate inequality by relinquishing their current relative rank or exacerbate inequality by maintaining their...
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Empirical evidence shows that the perception of information is strongly concentrated in those environments in which a mass of producers and users of knowledge interact through a distribution medium. This paper considers the consequences of this fact for economic equilibrium analysis. In...
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Two non-transitive theories to model decision making under risk are regret theory (Loomes and Sugden, 1982, 1987) and … salience theory (Bordalo, Gennaioli, and Shleifer, 2012). While the psychological underpinning of these two approaches is … of choice behavior. We investigate the overlap between these theories and show that original regret theory (Loomes and …
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Human decision-making differs due to variation in both incentives and available information. This generates substantial … challenges for the evaluation of whether and how machine learning predictions can improve decision outcomes. We propose a … decision maker payoff functions and predictive skill. We apply our framework to the major health policy problem of improving …
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This paper presents an empirical investigation of the relation between decision speed and decision quality for a real …-by-move data provide exceptionally detailed and precise information about decision times and decision quality, based on a … with the predictions of procedural decision models like drift-diffusion-models in which decision makers sequentially …
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This paper studies experimentally when and how ideological motives shape group decision-making outcomes. Groups …
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This paper provides an overview of RePEc a digital platform for the dissemination of research in economics. Specifically, the focus is on RePEc’s main author ranking, which aggregates 36 different rankings based on a range of criteria. The paper first describes the logic behind the ranking and...
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This paper studies how a student’s ordinal rank in a peer group affects performance and specialisation choices in university. By exploiting data with repeated random assignment of students to teaching sections, we find that a higher rank increases performance and the probability of choosing...
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Allocation decisions are vulnerable to political influence, but it is unclear in which situations politicians use their discretionary power in a partisan manner. We analyze the allocation of presidential disaster declarations in the United States, exploiting the spatiotemporal randomness of...
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