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This paper uses a discrete-time partial equilibrium model of the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) to analyze the impact of the recent reform on allowance prices. By including bounded rationality such as myopia or hedging requirements, we find that the Hotelling price path is no longer...
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is no economic reason for free allowance allocation to the electricity sector, and thus validate the updated allocation …
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Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) cause about 71% of all deaths globally and a considerable increase in health care costs. To tackle this problem, several Governments have designed "sin taxes", i.e, extra payments related to the quantity of unhealthy contents of specific goods. However, unhealthy...
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Following the Brent Spar controversy, the OSPAR countries reached a unanimous agreement in 1998 for the future rules for disposal of petroleum installations. The vast majority of existing offshore installations will be re-used or returned to shore for recycling or disposal. For installations...
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Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) cause about 71% of all deaths globally and a considerable increase in health care costs. To tackle this problem, several Governments have designed "sin taxes", i.e, extra payments related to the quantity of unhealthy contents of specific goods. However, unhealthy...
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mitigation. We consider, in a general equilibrium overlapping generations (OLG) model with environmental externalities, a … income in pollution mitigation in exchange for a transfer to their old-age capital income paid by the next generation. We … minimum level of income and we characterize the set of Pareto-improving mitigation-transfer combinations. Nash bargaining …
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We estimate the relationship between electricity, fuel and carbon prices in Germany, France, the Netherlands, the Nord Pool market and Spain, using one-year futures for base and peak load prices for the years 2009-2012, corresponding to physical settlement during the second market phase of the...
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allocation to low-activity installations, for installations operating below the threshold, the financial gain from increasing …) relative to a scenario without ALTs, but this gain is small compared to an output based allocation method, which would further … reduce overallocation by 40 million allowances (29% of total cement sector free allocation). Firms responded …
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According to the Phase IV (2021-2030) rules of the EU ETS, the total amount of emissions permits allocated to firms is not fixed but endogenous. This implies that a national climate policy that overlaps with the emission trading system can have an impact on total aggregate emissions. Roughly...
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Because of a link between the EU ETS and the Kyoto Flexible Mechanisms, the emission certificates traded on these markets are in principle interchangeable assets; despite of this, a persistent price difference exists. We explain this price spread using a theoretical model that combines three...
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