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fractional integration and cointegration methods. The univariate results indicate that the two series are highly persistent …, their orders of integration being around 2, whilst the cointegration tests (using both standard and fractional techniques … growth rates are linked together in the long run. This suggests the need for environmental policies aimed at reducing …
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implementing recent bootstrap panel unit root tests and cointegration techniques to investigate the relationship between carbon … dioxide emissions, energy consumption, and real GDP for 12 Middle East and North African Countries (MENA) over the period 1981 …-2005. Our results show that in the long-run energy consumption has a positive significant impact on CO2 emissions. More …
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Germany. The new data set will regularly be updated when quarterly economic growth for Germany becomes available. We use the … new data for an in-depth business cycle analysis and to estimate long-run growth dynamics. The business cycle analysis …
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This paper analyses the short- and long-run effects of trade openness on financial development in a panel including data on 35 European countries over the period 2001-2019. For this purpose, it uses the PMG (pooled mean group) estimator for dynamic panels developed by Pesaran et al. (1999). The...
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evidence on energy use, efficiency, and prices in the United States, as well as the standard balanced growth facts. I use the …I build a quantitative model of economic growth that can be used to evaluate the impact of environmental policy … interventions on final-use energy consumption, an important driver of carbon emissions. In the model, energy demand is driven by …
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problem, it is hard to justify an exogenous constant growth rate of consumption and GDP, as is done in several contributions …
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applied modules they use for representing sectoral energy and emission characteristics and dynamics. The purpose is to provide … technical insight into recent advances in the modelling of current and future energy and abatement technologies and how they can … be used to make baseline projections and scenarios 20-80 years ahead. In order to represent likely energy system …
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modelling of pollution and pollution abatement. We derive two key insights. First, if the national government implements a … permit system (equivalently, pollution taxes) that allow for emissions as in the first-best, cities chosen by local …-best emission policy and extensions to city asymmetries, a fiscal externality, local pollution, generalized commuting costs and …
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The long-term trend toward more work from home due to digitization has found a strong new driver, the Covid-19 pandemic. The profound change in urban mobility patterns supports the often-held view that reducing the number of commuting trips can lower carbon emissions to a certain degree. We...
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Will a carbon tax improve the welfare consequences of policies to promote electric vehicles? This paper examines when a complementarity could exist between carbon pricing and high electric vehicle adoption. We analyze electricity generation in recent years to show that in several regions, carbon...
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