Showing 1 - 10 of 259
years. The intervention includes students aged 7-9 and consists of pulling students from their regular mathematics classes … school year. All students, not only struggling students, are pulled out. We find that students in treatment schools increased … for policy-makers seeking to use additional teaching resources to target a heterogeneous student population efficiently …
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We investigate the impact of the presence of university dropouts on the academic success of first-time students. Our … of dropouts on first-time students’ success masks treatment heterogeneity and non-linearities. First, we find negative …
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are consistent with these grades being insufficiently salient for students to alter actual student behaviors …
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This paper investigates how high school gender composition affects students' participation in STEM at college. Using …
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In a previous paper, we have shown that academic rank is largely unrelated to tutorial teaching effectiveness. In this … paper, we further explore the effectiveness of the lowest-ranked instructors: students. We confirm that students are almost … instructors. We conclude that hiring moderately more student instructors would not harm students, but exclusively using them will …
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the effect of proximity to previous Nobelists on winning the Nobel Prize. Conditional on being Nobel-worthy, students and …
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female students’ interest in programming and science and encouraging them to consider careers in STEM-related fields … randomized controlled trial. Our results show that Coding Girls had a significant and positive impact on male and female students …
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significantly influenced by the timing of their experiences. Using administrative data, we study whether the order in which students … Academy in which students are randomly assigned to certain courses either during or after the semester in which they are … required to select their college major. We find that when students are assigned to a course in the same semester as they select …
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We investigate the short- and long-term effects of economic conditions at high-school graduation as a source of exogenous variation in the labor-market opportunities of potential college entrants. Exploiting business cycle fluctuations across birth cohorts for 28 developed countries, we find...
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effects were substantial for students at California Community Colleges, the largest higher education system in the country … outcomes of these students through the first four semesters after it started. Consistent with national trends, enrollment … dropped precipitously during the pandemic – the total number of enrolled students fell by 11 percent from fall 2019 to fall …
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