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rate policy helps to reconcile the inflation and output persistence with empirical observations for the US economy. We show … findings for the inflation inertia in a model with capital adjustment costs and variable capacity utilization, the output …
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For a long time, China's impressive growth performance has been driven by investment and high productivity gains. Based … sustainability of China's investment- and export-driven growth model. It is shown that since the turn of the millennium buoyant … on the recent discussion on possible overcapacities and overinvestment in China, the paper investigates the …
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We provide evidence of an energy efficiency gap in China. Using an incentivized field experiment, we document that …
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incentive effects of such reforms on the SMEs? investment decisions adopting simple present value model. Ceteris paribus tax …
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import prices only to a small extent, it may have a substantial impact on inflation, as it exerts a sizeable impact on the …
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When investment is irreversible, theory suggests that firms will be "reluctant to invest." This reluctance creates a … wedge between the discount rate guiding investment decisions and the standard Jorgensonian user cost (adjusted for risk). We …
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encroacher's valuation of the asset is increasing in the asset owner's investment. Due to incomplete property rights, the … encroacher and asset owner engage in a contest over the control of the asset after investment has taken place. A standard result … is that the asset owner will underinvest in the asset relative to the first-best level of investment when property rights …
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demonstrates the neutrality properties of the reform with respect to investment, firm financial decisions and organizational choice …. Tax rates are chosen to prevent income shifting from labor to capital income. The reform decisively strengthens investment …
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There is a lack of clear evidence of the ways in which dividend taxation affects dividend distributions and investment …
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The role of product market reforms in achieving the objective of higher employment and growth has recently received much attention amongst academics. The aim of this paper is to analyse some of the channels through which cross-market effects come about and to assess their policy relevance. The...
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