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This paper extends the cross sectionally augmented panel unit root test proposed by Pesaran (2007) to the case of a … the maximum number of factors, in contrast to other panel unit root tests based on principal components that require in …
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This article is our personal perspective on the IPS test and the subsequent developments of unit root and cointegration tests in dynamic panels with and without cross-section dependence. In this note, we discuss the main idea behind the test and the publication process that led to Im, Pesaran...
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This paper examines the long-run dynamics and the cyclical structure of various series related to the US stock market using fractional integration. We implement a procedure which enables one to consider unit roots with possibly fractional orders of integration both at the zero (long-run) and the...
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using county-level panel data in the United States. Using data on foot traffic and K-12 school opening plans, we analyze how … related to the 2-weeks forward growth rate of confirmed COVID-19 cases. Our debiased panel data regression analysis with a set …
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Cross- Sectionally Augmented ARDL approach of Chudik and Pesaran (2015b), and the panel threshold estimation of Chudik et al …
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This paper proposes a Bayesian estimation framework for panel-data sets with binary dependent variables where a large …
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This paper considers a first-order autoregressive panel data model with individual-specific effects and a heterogeneous …
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result is shown to hold for pure latent factor models as well as for panel regressions with latent factors. Small sample …
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degrees, the dependence that might prevail across the different units in the panel. In the analysis of cointegration the …
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This paper extends the cross sectionally augmented panel unit root test proposed by Pesaran (2007) to the case of a … the maximum number of factors, in contrast to other panel unit root tests based on principal components that require in …
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