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This paper considers the evolution of global transportation usage over the past half century and its implications for supply chains. Transportation usage per unit of real output has more than doubled as costs decreased by a third. Participation of emerging economies in world trade and...
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380 local authority areas in the United Kingdom. We find that exposure to the EU in terms of immigration and trade …
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the last decade. Using stylised models of the economies of the US, Euro area, UK and Japan, we argue that economic …
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The vast literature on the effects of immigration on wages and employment is plagued by likely endogeneity and aggregation biases. Ours is among the first papers to address both of these issues by means of causality analysis and by accounting for human capital endowments. Our analysis confirms...
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-level data on thousands of respondents in Understanding Society, the UK’s largest household survey, which includes the EU … fallacy. In addition, we show that prediction accuracy is geographically heterogeneous across UK regions, with strongly pro …
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acquiring firms. We use data for UK publicly-listed firms from 2004 to 2017 and employ a matching estimator combined with …
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Using detailed firm-level transactions data for UK imports, we find that invoicing in a vehicle currency is pervasive … after the EU referendum. Finally, within a theoretical framework we conceptualize an omitted variable bias arising in …
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This chapter looks at the UK's privatisation experiment, which began from the late 1970s. It considers the background … to the UK's privatisations, which industries were privatised and how, and summarises the results of studies of … performance changes in privatised companies in the UK. It looks at the relative roles of competition, regulation and ownership …
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This paper provides an analysis of outsourcing and trade in a spatial model – la Hotelling. In this setting, we discuss the trade-off between transport-cost-related disadvantages and outsourcing-induced production cost advantages of a large economy. The model gives a rich picture of possible...
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We consider the evolution of preferences when trade occurs between two countries. We show that if one country is much larger than the other, its preferences can eventually take over the preferences of the second country. This result may provide an explanation of why small countries sometimes...
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