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This paper proposes an equilibrium theory of nominal exchange rates, which offers a new perspective on various issues in open economy macroeconomics. The nominal exchange rate and portfolio choices are jointly determined in equilibrium, thus providing a new approach to overcoming the...
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This paper proposes an equilibrium theory of nominal exchange rates, which offers a new perspective on various issues in open economy macroeconomics. The nominal exchange rate and portfolio choices are jointly determined in equilibrium, thus providing a new approach to overcoming the...
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We derive closed-form solutions and sufficient statistics for inflation and GDP dynamics in multi-sector New Keynesian … of inflation and GDP responses to monetary and sectoral shocks and (2) increase the pass-through of sectoral shocks to … aggregate inflation. Quantitatively, we confirm the significant role of production networks in shock propagation, emphasizing …
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multiplier is amplified by the countercyclical liquidity premium. This liquidity channel stabilizes investment and crowds in …
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multiplier. To this end we contrast two different ways to implement the ZLB in a New Keynesian model: the ZLB modeled as an … multiplier are not only due to differences in the timing assumption of government spending but also driven by the choice of the … ZLB modeling. Ceteris paribus, the impact multiplier is higher if the ZLB is modeled appropriately as a constraint. …
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between multiplier size and the import share. Employing an interacted panel VAR model for EU countries, we estimate the effect …
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multiplier is sensitive to the assumption of orthogonality between total factor productivity (non-fiscal proxy) and tax shocks …. If this correlation is assumed to be zero, the tax multiplier is found to be around one. If such correlation is non …-zero, as supported by our empirical evidence, we find a tax multiplier three times as large. Second, we find the spending …
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inflation from its trend, implying that the more demand-driven a recession, the higher the multiplier. Median multipliers range … inflation deviations from trend into account …
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We study empirically how various labor market institutions – (i) union density, (ii) unemployment benefit remuneration, and (iii) employment protection – shape fiscal multipliers and output volatility. Our theoretical model highlights that more stringent labor market institutions attenuate...
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tied to how much inflation it generates, which in turn hinges on monetary-fiscal adjustments that ultimately finance the … taxes to finance transfers while in the fiscal regime, inflation rises, effectively imposing inflation taxes on public debt … holders. We show analytically in a simple model how the fiscal regime generates larger and more persistent inflation than the …
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