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This paper empirically investigates the relationship between TV news coverage and the GIIPS countries’ bond yield … news shows of leading TV stations in 12 countries which include 37,859 news on the EU, on the Eurozone and on country …-specific economic issues. We find that an increasing share of news about the Eurozone reduces yield spreads, especially when the news …
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, in which sovereign risk is limited through diversification and some form of seniority. These assets would be held by … ideas: (1) to create multitranche "sovereign bond-backed securities" (SBBS), of which the senior tranche would constitute a … safe asset; (2) to create a senior, publicly owned financial intermediary that would issue a bond backed by a diversified …
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particular, using panel vector autoregressive (VAR) models we analyze whether banks increased their domestic government bond …
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green bond returns and volatilities. On the whole, the evidence suggests weaker linkages, and thus a lower degree of …
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This paper analyses persistence and non-linearities in quarterly and monthly US Treasury 10-year bond yields over the …
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curve. Most importantly, variation in yield skewness has substantial forecasting power for future bond excess returns, high …
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How does uncertainty affect the costs of raising finance in the bond market and via bank loans? Empirically, this paper … finds that heightened uncertainty is accompanied by an increase in corporate bond yields and a decrease in bank lending … the value of the lending relationship and lowers the lending rate. Bond investors demand compensation for the increased …
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We build a no-arbitrage model of the yield curves in a heterogeneous monetary union with sovereign default risk, which … solution, and decompose yields into term premium and credit risk components. In an extension, we endogenize the peripheral … default probability, showing that it decreases with central bank bond-holdings. Calibrating the model to Germany and Italy, we …
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We explore the reaction of the euro area periphery sovereigns' fiscal positions to an unconventional monetary policy shock. We estimate panel vector autoregressive (VAR) models over the period 2010-2018, and identify the shock by imposing sign restrictions. Our results suggest that the...
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We assess public finances solvency for Euro Area countries using quarterly data between 1999Q1 and 2020Q4. Through a country-by-country analysis, the answer to the title question is true. For most countries, (i) the primary budget balance reacts positively to the lagged public debt ratio and...
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