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This paper examines mean and volatility spillovers between three major cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum …
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Russia. The adopted framework allows to analyse interdependence by estimating volatility spillovers, and also contagion by … testing for possible shifts in the transmission of volatility following the introduction of the euro and EU accession. Further …. Furthermore, whilst the introduction of the euro has had mixed effects, EU accession has resulted in an increase in volatility …
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volatility, namely, seasonality and maturity effects for the pre-financialisation (1993-2003) and post-financialisation (2004 … futures’ volatility before the financialisation period, open interest as a measure of liquidity has a negative effect after ….e. volatility of the contract increases as it nears to expiration since financialisation. This confirms the importance of accounting …
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in the volatility, from the largest market of Saudi Arabia to Qatar and the two markets in the UAE, which confirms that …
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This paper estimates a model of the real exchange rate including standard fundamentals as well as two alternative measures of inflation expectations for five inflation targeting countries (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden) over the period January 1993-July 2019. Both a benchmark linear...
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This paper investigates the PPP and UIP conditions by taking into account possible nonlinearities as well as the role of Taylor rule deviations under alternative monetary policy frameworks. The analysis is conducted using monthly data from January 1993 to December 2020 for five...
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Over the last decade foreign bond portfolio positions in US dollar assets have risen above the reciprocal US investor positions in foreign currencies. In periods of increased economic uncertainty, institutional investors hedge their international bond positions, which creates a net hedging...
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describe the most typical features of capital markets like volatility clustering, excess kurtosis and fat tails. As empirical … evidence shows asymmetry is also a prominent feature of stock market returns volatility. The reaction of risk if stock returns …
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We contribute to the finance literature in two main ways. First, we present a theoretical capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to price assets in different market structures. Second, we use our model to analyze whether when markets are partially segmented using the local or the global CAPM yields...
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This paper studies the dynamics of volatility transmission between Central European currencies and euro/dollar foreign … exchange using model-free estimates of daily exchange rate volatility based on intraday data. We formulate a flexible yet … parsimonious parametric model in which the daily realized volatility of a given exchange rate depends both on its own lags as well …
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