Showing 1 - 10 of 239
Using a Cournot oligopoly model with an endogenous number of firms and evasion of indirect taxes, this paper shows that … more intense competition may have the negative side-effect of eroding tax revenues by increasing tax evasion. This will be … weakly concave or convex and inelastic. The desirable result of more competition, less evasion and higher tax revenues will …
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Unlike standard auctions, we show that competitive procurement may optimally limit competition or use inefficient … auction to guard against firms bidding low to win the contract and then cutting back on effort. While competition helps reduce …
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We modify the paper of Stahl (1989) on sequential consumer search in an oligopoly context by relaxing the assumption …
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This paper presents an empirical examination of oligopoly pricing and consumer search. The theoretical model allows for …
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DTCA if detailing competition is not too fierce, which is true if investing in detailing is sufficiently costly. Otherwise …
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In oligopolistic industries, increased cost saving opportunities via offshoring have a moderating effect on trade unions. In order to discourage mobile firms from leaving the country, unions accept lower sector wages. In effect, the negotiated wage becomes independent of workers' bargaining...
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Two duopolists compete in price on the market for a homogeneous product. They can 'profile' consumers, i.e., identify their valuations with some probability. If both firms can profile consumers but with different abilities, then they achieve positive expected profits at equilibrium. This...
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We extend structural gravity models of bilateral trade flows to oligopolistic competition. We show that conventional … pronounced due to the change in competition among domestic and foreign firms …
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evaluation is also justified in a Cournot-oligopoly with free but costly entry. If input markets are competitive and output per … firm declines with the number of firms (business stealing), there is excessive entry into such oligopoly. If trade unions …
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highlight that cross-ownership can be preferable to a horizontal merger under Cournot competition. Not only is it more …
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