Showing 1 - 10 of 63
We study experimentally the effect of bargaining power in two sequential mechanisms that offer the possibility to trade … at a fixed price before an auction. In the “Buy-It-Now” format, the seller has the bargaining power and offers a price … effects of bargaining power on aggregate outcomes. There is, however, substantial heterogeneity within sellers. Sellers who …
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favorable tie-breaking rules can reduce the discouragement effect and increase the designer's revenue. We test these predictions …
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Using a laboratory experiment, we present first evidence that stigmatization through public exposure causally reduces the take-up of an individually beneficial transfer. Our design exogenously varies the informativeness of the take-up decision by varying whether transfer eligibility is based on...
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(ERA) is a first-price auction in which truthful bidding is encouraged by bonus payments. We test the robustness property …
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This paper reports on experiments testing the viability of markets for cheap talk information. We find that the poor … quality of the information transmitted leads to a collapse of information markets. The reasons for this are surprising given … the previous experimental results on cheap-talk games. Our subjects provide low-quality information even when doing so …
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This paper derives and justifies a procedurally fair bidding mechanism and reviews experiments that apply the mechanism to public projects provision. In the experiments, not all parties benefit from provision, and the projects' costs can be negative. The experimental results indicate that the...
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For the procurement of complex goods the early exchange of information is important to avoid costly renegotiation ex … auctions if sellers are likely to have superior information about possible design improvements, if renegotiation is costly, and … if the buyer's bargaining position is sufficiently strong. Moreover, we show that negotiations provide stronger …
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mechanism is delegated to an agent of the buyer. The agent has private information about the buyer's preferences and may collude …
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In games with strategic complementarities, public information about the state of the world has a larger impact on … equilibrium actions than private information of the same precision, because the former is more informative about the likely … reasoning. Stated second order beliefs indicate that subjects underestimate the information contained in public signals about …
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