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capture conservative or progressive values in addition to the cultural characteristics language and religion. Catholic … sociocultural characteristics qualifies the role of religion for educational production. The evidence suggests that Catholicism is …
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’ persistent characteristics, such as their institutions. Among our findings are that macroeconomic policies affect development …
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open civil conflict against the government. Our model implies that terrorism emerges if constraints on the ruling executive … group are intermediate and rents are sizeable, whereas conflict looms under poor executive constraints. Analyzing annual … when considering the incidence and onset of terrorism and conflict. The corresponding magnitudes are economically sizeable …
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In many instances of potential violent or non-violent conflict the future strategic positions of adversaries are very … different when there is open conflict than when there is settlement. In such environments we show that, as the future becomes … more important, open conflict becomes more likely than settlement. We demonstrate the theoretical robustness of this …
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. Our results hold true when using indicators capturing the quality of economic institutions in lieu of indicators of … political institutions …
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systematically more likely to slip into civil conflict and civil war. Intuitively, political preferences and beliefs of highly … polarization and test its predictive power in explaining the likelihood of civil conflict and civil war, analyzing 146 countries … educational polarization is associated with a 4.6 and 3.8 percentage point rise in the chances of civil conflict and civil war …
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economic development, notably institutions and geography. This paper sheds a different light on these determinants. We use … spatial econometrics to analyse the importance of the geography of institutions. We show that it is not only absolute … for a country's gdp per capita. Apart from a country's own institutions, institutions in neighboring countries turn out to …
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This paper examines whether the federal structure of aid-receiving countries matters in explaining aid effectiveness. Following the decentralization theorem, the devolution of powers should increase aid effectiveness, since local decision-makers are better informed about local needs. At the same...
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attacker's objective is to destroy a set of nodes that disconnects the network. The conflict at each node is modeled as a …
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We combine original geo-referenced data on mining extraction of 15 minerals with information on conflict events at … positive impact of mining on conflict at the local level. Quantitatively, the historical rise in prices (commodity super …
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